This section contains a bunch of improvements that couldn't make it to the top 10, but were important enough to not be excluded from this book. Let's warm up, shall we?
- You can double-click on any text to highlight the word at your cursor position.
- On top of that, triple-clicking highlights the current paragraph!
- If you use the left/right arrow keys to move through a block of text, hold the "option" key down to move more efficiently. Now you'll travel to start/end of words instead of letter-by-letter.
- A common output we get on the terminal is that you need to have root access to run a command. Instead of typing out the whole command again, running "sudo !!" resolves to the last command with "sudo " added at the beginning.
- Accidently typed "cd" alone without any arguments and landed in your home directory? Go back to the previous directory by typing "cd -". This is quite handy to switch back-and-forth between two locations.
If you found the above useful, the following sections up the ante to take your productivity to the next level. Here we go...